Kumikube Puzzle

The newest, most formidable challenge to any puzzle enthusiast!!!

Kumiki is a Japanese word that means "to join wood together". In Japan, the term kumiki refers to several different varieties of woodcraft, especially figural wooden interlocking puzzles or, in a broader sense, any wooden construction toy.

Kumikube PUzzle

Tsunetaro Yamanaka (1874-1954) was the first craftsman to design and construct puzzles that resembled buildings and vehicles as well as abstract shapes like spheres and cubes. His descendants continued this kumiki tradition, still creating new puzzles including animal shapes. Today, Tadaaki Yamanaka, great-grandson of Tsunetaro, continues his work.

Our KumiKubeTM consists of six interlocking components and is available in a light and dark shade of woodgrain material, a high-quality plastic resin that closely resembles wood. Due to the intricacy of its mould and its perfect fit, it could not be manufactured in wood.

There are four kumiki design techniques: oshi, mawashi, kendon and sayubiki. Ours is "OSHI" ("push") because a key piece has to be pushed out to allow disassembly.

5-008 Geo KumiKubeTM Puzzle - 6 interlocking components in a hang-sell blister-pack.

......and if you really, really cannot solve it, please contact us for a solution video.

KumiKubeTM as a promotional item: We can easily mould this puzzle in any solid or see-through fluorescent colour and hot-stamp personalised information (e.g. company logo).  MOQ applies.


Sphinx Puzzle


The Little Architect